
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I'm backkk!

Not that I was really anywhere, but I'm finally feeling caught up enough to go back to blogging.  I've been thinking about it for awhile and will try to get caught up on here about all the fun we've had this summer and fall!  Thanksgiving is around the corner too and it will be our first Thanksgiving holiday we do with just the 3 of us, well 4 of us, if you include Maddy.  And Maddy will want to be included in the Thanksgiving festivities especially in the licking up of anything that falls to the floor.

I gave into my urge to get my hair cut into an a-line bob that I've wanted for awhile.  Not sure about the timing as it's winter but maybe it's actually good time because I want have to worry about my hair stuck down in my coat when I lean back against a seat or under my shoulder when I try to turn while sleeping.  :-)

I completed 2 half-marathons a couple weeks apart, we went to the Adirondacks and out to Utah for some fun-filled family action, I completed my summer job, we went down to Asheville and saw family and friends plus Mat's grandma who we celebrated her 93rd birthday and Brie's 3rd birthday.  Woot, woot!  In between all that we've been out hiking/walking in the woods and along the beaches around here.  More on all of this later but I just wanted to step back into this cyber world!

And now she's 3!!!

At her 3 year appointment she measured:

38 inches tall - 73rd percentile
32 pounds - 64th percentile

Gabriella is quite a talker, loves to read stories to her dolls and stuffed animals.  She is quite adept at helping me with laundry and grocery shopping.  She even helps to remember items that mom has forgotten.  Gabriella loves to "write" letters while sitting in the grocery cart.  She loves to give her dad a family hug in the morning before he goes to work.  After dinner, she often thanks me for making such a delicious meal.  (Not certain it's delicious, but I appreciate that she's thanking me.)  She has an adorable laugh and Maddy, the dog, is still the one who makes her laugh the most!  We sure love her tons!