
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weekend walk

This weekend we checked out a new-ish State Park in our area. A lot of it was closed, but luckily the trail we wanted to go on happened to be the one open! Yay! We'll have to go back to check out the rest of the park, but we had a lovely hike out to Rainbow Falls and Turtleback Falls. It was a really bright day, so the picture of Rainbow Falls doesn't really do it justice.

Gorges State Park hike

We hung out for a bit and had our snack at the top of Rainbow Falls and messed around for a bit.

Gorges State Park hike

This is Mat's fave picture up above the falls looking down the river.

Gorges State Park hike

This is my favorite one, because Mat looks like he's actually jumping into the waterfall.  After hanging out for a bit, we then hiked on up to Turtleback Falls.  For a weekend hike, we hardly saw anyone on the trail.  It was pretty awesome.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So on Friday, I started week 13 and this week the fetus is the size of a medium shrimp according to things I've been reading. Now, to me a lime seems bigger than a shrimp, so I think that is an odd thing to compare it to.  (I'm taking the images of these objects from where I spend an inordinate amount of time reading.)  I'm almost into the 2nd trimester.  Yay!  And I'm no longer going to talk about how I'm feeling because I always jinx it when I say anything.  So mum's the word.  :-)

PS - Pregnant woman or people who are sensitive to smells should NOT go into port-a-potties in the parking lot of trailheads!  I didn't even think about it and immediately came out and threw up all over the parking lot.  Mat was several cars down and peered around wondering if I was okay.  I was fine after that and we went on a very lovely hike to some beautiful waterfalls, which I'll write about later when I have some pictures to attach.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fuschias galore!

Spring 2010

I am so happy that the farmer's market had the fuschia hanging baskets when I checked yesterday afternoon after my class at the Arboretum.  I love watching the hummingbirds come up to get the nectar.  Now I just have to wait for my first hummingbird sighting of the year.

Spring 2010

Maddy is pretty excited for spring time and hanging outside.  She rolls around and around and is happy as can be!

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's a lime!

This week, the fetus is the size of a lime. So far, the lime is not protruding out of my belly yet.  Still only about 2 ounces and and 2 inches long. I am very thankful that I am now just experiencing the joys of throwing up every third day.  I'm working my way to no days of morning sickness!  Yay!

A few days ago, I had a particularly bad episode where it came on so sudden that I didn't make it to the bathroom in time.  I threw up all over the floor in the hallway, the door to the bathroom and all over the toilet and and floor in the bathroom.  By the time I was finished I really didn't want to clean it up, I just wanted to go back to bed.  So I thought, "hey, Maddy eats her own throw up, why don't I see if she'll come clean it up."  My plan of using her didn't turn out so great, she just looked at it and me like I was crazy and walked away.  I did end up having to clean it up.  I guess that might be considered animal abuse.

spring is here...

Yep, spring is really here. Our lawn is green and growing like crazy. I mowed it last Wednesday and it's all ready time to mow again. I love spring, but I'm not sure how I feel about all the yardwork. Time to really start thinking about how to get rid of some of our grass.

This past weekend, we rented an "e-z trencher" to put in Maddy's electric fence again at our house and Mat's parents. I'm not so certain I would deem it an "e-z trencher!" It was still a lot of work. Hopefully, the electric fence stays underground now and doesn't get mowed this summer so we don't have to do any repairs ever again. That would make us happy!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's Day!

Maddy jumping in after a stick


I surely hope this gorgeous spring weather is not an April Fool's joke. The last couple of days have been so amazing here, it seems like it's been a long, cold and rainy winter here in WNC.

The past week has been slowly warming up and we've been taking Maddy down to the French Broad River. We also took her out to the Laurel River last Saturday. She sure loves jumping in the water after a stick and then running back dropping the stick off and spraying us with water as she shakes off. We were hoping to see some spring flowers, but it was too soon.  Spring is coming in late this year!

I spent some time hammering nails out of some old baseboard trim we pulled out of our house.  Mat is going to put together some planters for me.  I'm pretty excited for it since we have basically all the materials to make the planters here, now I just have to decide what flowers I want to plant in there.  We are trying to come up with an alternative for a living space in our side yard.  We don't have the money to put into the deck, but we still want an outdoor living space.  We determined it would be more important to get the back porch insulated and install and washer/dryer set back there since Mat wants to try out cloth diapers!

I stopped by the farmer's market today to see if they had any fuschia hanging plants yet.  They don't have them ready yet and said it will probably be at least 2 more weeks.  Since we had such a cold, long winter everything is set back.  :-(  Sad for me, as I love the brightly colored fuschias and having the hummingbirds come up to our porch!