
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

weigh in...

I had my every other week appointment earlier today to see if I've gained any weight and doctor seemed happy. Yay! I've been feeling good and been trying to eat consciously and healthily. Doesn't happen all the time. For example, I was on a key lime frozen pie kick for about 2 weeks. If I could find key lime pie ice cream, I would be in sheer heaven!!!

I've gained 9.5 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy and I think they seemed satisfied with that amount of weight gain. Especially now that I'm showing, I guess that puts them more at ease that the baby is growing and I'm not starving it! I've been feeling pretty good. Still somewhat tired, but that is probably just the heat and staying on top of everything for work.

It seems like I'm always going to the doctor's office and it's just been monthly for the check-ups and then in between for my weigh in appointments. We have our regular monthly check up on the 15th and then after that we start going every other week because we'll be at 28 weeks. I was surprised when I saw the appointment's all ready that time? I guess that means the pregnancy is going well and quickly for me!

* * * * * * * * * *

Thanks to all those family and friends who emailed and commented on my post about items we'll need.  Mat and I appreciate it and we are definitely taking notes!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

23 weeks = mango time...

She's the size of a large mango this week, about 11 inches long and just over a pound.  According some books I've read, she will double in size this month!  I've definitely started to show and will have to post a picture soon of my belly.  I'm just not very photogenic and it's awkward.  Much, much easier to post pictures of fruit and veggies of what she's supposed to be the size of!  I'm definitely having issues with focusing this summer with my job, pregnancy, house projects and the garden.  Don't know if that is because I'm pregnant or that it is incredibly hot already this summer...and it's only June!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A kick was felt!

Last night both Mat and I felt the baby kick. It was pretty sweet! She used much more force than I had ever felt before. For the most part, I'd just been feeling little flutters and Mat really hadn't been able to feel anything. Funny that, earlier yesterday morning, I'd been telling someone in the waiting room at the chiropractor's office how I felt bad that Mat hadn't been able to feel anything yet!  I guess she heard me and decided to let Mat know she really was in there!  :-)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pregnant...with a side of bossiness

This is week 22 and the veggie that we are the length of is a spaghetti squash or about 11 inches and weighs about a pound.

I guess one of the side effects of pregnancy, for me, is I'm kind of bossy now.  So if you thought I was bossy before, I guess I really am now!  Mat is feeling the full brunt of that side effect.  I hope he survives the next 18 or so weeks or maybe my bossiness will tone down as time goes on...

I apologize to any of you who might feel the effects of my bossiness!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

As a new parent, what was the one item or three that you couldn't live without?

So, we've passed the halfway point of the pregnancy and are trying to prepare for the arrival of a new baby in October. All the books say you should not procrastinate and get things at the last moment. So, as I look around at all the items out there I am curious to find out what other mothers/parents have found to be essential to the first few months of the baby's life.

We have a crib. Check. We have some friends who are going to let us borrow their co-sleeper. Check. What other items will we need? We have a small house and we don't want to overload it with unnecessary items.

Any of you absolutely LOVE your stroller? Car seat? Is there somewhere that I can go to find out about safe strollers and car seats? Like a consumer guide report? Actually, that is probably where I need to go. If they talk about vacuums, they must talk about strollers and car seats.

Anyone use cloth diapers? If so, what brand did you like?

That's all I can think of at the moment. Any other advice/suggestions for us?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A foggy day at work...

Today I was able to spend the day at the Craggy Gardens Visitor Center talking to visitors about how it's still beautiful out hiking even though it is foggy and you don't have long distance views.  To re-confirm that I think that is a true statement...the following pictures are from my rove today.

Craggy Gardens June 2010

Craggy Gardens June 2010

Craggy Gardens June 2010

I am lucky to have such an amazing job!  My co-worker pointed out the salamander pictured below to me.

Craggy Gardens June 2010

It was tucked into this crevice in the rock wall on the way downstairs to the women's restroom.  He didn't mind me checking him out at all.

Carrot Cake

She's the length of a carrot this week.  Which makes me think of carrot cake and also carrot top.  I am hoping that she isn't born with orange hair like a carrot.  That's currently one of my fears...that she's be born with bright orange hair.  I don't mind strawberry blonde, but orange orange, I hope that gene gets skipped over!

I've been feeling all right.  I had a couple of days after work that I had some blurry vision and tingling sensations going on in my hands/arms, but the doctor checked my blood pressure and all seems good there.  So I'm just to pay attention and let them know if it happens any more.  I think I just had a super busy and stressful week and that is the way my anxiety shows up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

approximately halfway there!

She's the length of a banana now, approximately 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and 10 1/2 ounces.  The things I've been reading have been saying that the baby is going to start going through a growth spurt and gaining some weight, so maybe I'll start showing more.  Right now I've been pretty lucky and I just have a little belly right now.  (Not really a little belly, it looks like I've put on some weight all in my waist, it just doesn't look like a pregnant belly yet.)

I've checked out the maternity clothes I get to wear for my uniform and they are fantastic!  I can't wait to take pictures of me in them.  You will be amazed at how modern it is.  What am I saying?  My regular uniform isn't modern, it's just a uniform, which I personally love not having to figure out what to wear in the morning.  I just put on the uniform.  :-)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ahh...back to work

I surely enjoyed my weekend, especially since it felt like I got a lot accomplished.  Today was my Monday and it was a beautiful day up at the Craggy Gardens VC.  I was able to get my rove/hike up Craggy Pinnacle in prior to a huge rainstorm that came in the middle of the afternoon.  And then after it rained, it cleared up and provided this awesome view!  Not too bad for a Monday.

So, I went to the doctor last week and she was happy that I'd gained weight.  Now I'm scared to go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks, because since last Wednesday, I've lost all the weight I had gained.  Nothing in my diet has changed and my belly is definitely beginning to potrude.  I'm still watching my protein intake and eating lots of snacks and meals.  I don't know what is up.   Maybe I'm going to have to stop hiking/walking and quit my job so all I do is sleep and eat.  (None of those are realistic or healthy options.)  Any suggestions??