[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Mat and canal/loch from Lake Ontario"]
Who knew it would be so hard to find a place up here? I didn't really think it would be, but we were very lucky that we chanced upon the place we are currently staying at. It's been a great place to live while searching for the spot to reside in. We'd stay here, but I've been spoiled for that last several years in not having to share wall space. I don't know how people live in apartments, I feel so terrible when Brie cries and she's just affecting one family. In an apartment, who knows how many people would get to hear her. So I haven't been sleeping much at night. Brie got off her nice schedule of sleeping through the night with our move up here. At least the people next door have a couple of adorable kids under 3 and they've been nice to us and not angry about her crying.
We are moving in a month to Oswego to a single family home. It is in the city so it has a tiny yard, but it's got a front porch and a big kitchen. The town also has over 18,000 people and lots of greenspace, parks on the lake and urban trails. And they have a farmer's market on Thursday evenings. Very excited about it and possibility of finding a mama's group to be a part of and maybe finding a part-time job. After signing the lease we went for a walk on a section of the Harbor Rail Trail. I am very grateful that Mat is willing to add 10-15 minutes to his commute time so that our life outside of work will be more varied.
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