
Friday, May 13, 2011

7 months old

I am amazed at how much Brie has accomplished in the last couple of weeks, not only did she cut a tooth, she sits and she can scoot herself across the floor. We've placed covers on the electrical outlets so she won't stick her fingers in the holes, but she really just loves cords (i.e. computer cords, cords to the refrigerator, lamp cords, etc.) and I'm afraid she's going to pull something down on her head.  I've been trying the distraction method, because I don't think she understands no, but she just goes back to the cord. I guess with all this growth and change, she's having to catch up on her rest because the last couple of days she's really been sleeping. Which is helping me to catch my breath - really mental calmness - because Monday through Wednesday were pretty fussy days for Brie. She didn't want to nap and just pretty much wanted to be held. Yesterday, I was finally able to pick up some of the clutter that had accumulated around the house and it felt great!

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