
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reality Check

This weekend, Mat and I decided we'd go for a bit of a bike ride together since Brie enjoys riding in the cushy seat in back.  Well since we were going for a longer than usual one, I decided to wear some biking shorts.  Obviously, I haven't been bike riding in quite awhile and so when I pulled out my biking shorts to put on I had quite the reality check.

I couldn't zip the shorts all the way up and snap the top. 


I didn't realize I'd gotten that chubby. 

I knew that I had lost muscle tone even though I walk a ton and since February have been jogging/running.  I guess that's the problem of weary baggy clothes.  I'm still wearing clothes that I wore 10 years ago...apparently, they are not fitted so when I get chubby I don't notice.

Because I have been exercising and doing stuff, I decided I have to change something else in my life. 

So, I am now a calorie counter.  Or at least being more aware of the amount of calories I'm taking in.  As I've always been a grazing type of eater, I now am looking at serving sizes on the bags of pretzels and yogurt and measuring out and keeping track, so that I don't go over my alloted amount.  No longer am I a growing kid or a nursing mama, so I need to be more "present" when I go to snack or eat my meals.  I've found that serving sizes are surprisingly a lot smaller than you'd think and the calories quickly add up. 

It's been four days...only the rest of my life to go!

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