We had a fantastic time camping in the Adirondacks. Our campground wasn't anything spectacular, but it provided us a with a place to put up our tent and it had water and flush toilet bathrooms. Such luxury!
We arrived on Friday and dropped Mat off for his meeting in Keene Valley. Then Gabriella, Maddy and I headed over to set up our camp at the only open state campground in the Adirondacks.
On Saturday, we took the long way up Mt. Jo, adding a walk around Heart Lake and up to a ski slope who was dedicated to someone. Brie hiked a good portion of it. Our little 19-month-old makes us so proud. :-) Then when she got tired, Mat put her back in the backpack and we made it to the top of Mt. Jo which had some beautiful views of Mt. Marcy and some other big mountains. Brie wasn't a happy camper on the way back down, luckily it was just short and sweet. Mat was the lucky recipient of Brie screaming/crying in his ear all the way down. She fell asleep with about 15 minutes left of the hike. We just hung out in the woods at the parking lot in our crazy creeks letting Brie sleep just enjoying the scenery.
Then we went on a walk near our campground at the Wilmingon Flume which got Mat super stoked because he saw that there is some mountain biking trails there. We'll be back to ride them. :-)
We had a great time and I think Mat enjoyed his birthday weekend! (More pictures on Flickr.)
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