We went to the Everglades in February to get some fire training and did some exploring of southern Florida. We enjoyed camping in the Everglades National Park and seeing some amazing birds and wildlife.
We spent some time Phoenix, Arizona at the end of February for my little sister's wedding. It was fun to be there and enjoy some Scoville family time.
Mat worked his 4th season for the Plant Ecologist along the Blue Ridge Parkway this summer. He enjoyed his season of treating woolly adelgid in the hemlock trees, tracking rare plant species, and travelling to document the plants in some wetlands along the Parkway. He also got on a few mountain bike rides to release some of his excess energy, along with some of Maddy's excess energy.
I didn't do any mountain biking this year because we found out I was pregnant in February. So I spent the hottest summer on record for Asheville pregnant, I also worked a 2nd season for the Division of Interpretation and enjoyed my time in the "cooler" weather of the mountains.
On October 13th, Gabriella Lauren Levine was born weighing 6 pounds and 15 ounces. We've enjoyed having her join our little family. Maddy hardly pays any attention to her unless Brie is in her swing. Maddy then thinks Brie is playing with her when she swings back and forth. Maddy tries her best to lick Brie's face and Brie doesn't seem to mind.
Our little family is winding up the year spending the holidays out in Utah with the rest of the Scoville clan and some friends out here. We took Brie on her first cross-country ski and she is getting spoiled being held by her grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins.
As this year comes to a close, we wish everyone much love and adventure in 2011!
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