This past week, heartburn has come to visit me and seems to have decided to settle in. I really can't complain too much, as I haven't really been too uncomfortable this whole pregnancy. Sure, I didn't enjoy throwing up and still don't, but for the most part I've been very healthy and have been able to work my job with not too many accommodations. (Other than alternating between sitting and standing at the visitor centers in hopes of helping my swollen feet and hands out.)
A visitor suggested papaya enzymes as something to chew on that will help out heartburn. Has anyone else heard of that? I think I might have to stop by a health food store soon to get them to at least try out.
While I might have only 6 weeks left of pregnancy, more or less, depending on the baby's mood I am trying not to focus too much on the actual due date. I know someone who bought concert tickets for a festival that is happening the weekend she is due, because she figures if she doesn't then the baby will be late and she and her husband will just be sitting at home waiting for the baby to come and it probably won't. So I guess I need to plan something big for around the time the baby is due...other than working.
***The cantaloupe is the size the baby is this week...I forgot to mention that. On average she might be about 4 3/4 pounds (cantaloupe size) and 18 inches long. I believe that. She's stretching and getting bigger in my belly. More and more people are coming up and saying "oh, it must be soon now for you." Maybe they think 6 weeks is soon, but I still feel like it is a some weeks off! I know it will go fast, but I think I still have some growing to do.
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