All righty, the baby is the size of a butternut squash this week and about 2 1/2 pounds and about 15 inches long. She's definitely stretching and moving around in my belly, which is pretty cool to feel and watch. Not a fantastic photo of me but you can kind of see the belly bump. It seems some people aren't as fascinated by the veggies I put up as I am, so that want to actually see my belly's progress...
But here's the butternut squash which is supposed to indicate the approximate size the baby is at this week. On Monday, we are going in for another ultrasound to find out if the placenta has moved up. My doctor doesn't seem to be worried, she said that 99% of women's do, so I'm just mostly excited for another opportunity to see her moving around and to see if she looks even more like a baby and less like an alien.
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