Today I had my first appointment in the 3rd I'll be going about every two weeks. It went fantastically well. They had the results from the glucose test and I'm all body knows how to process sugar. Yay! So I don't have to go in for any further testing in that regard. My hemoglobin is good and my Vit. D levels have gone up. I was low in Vit. D early on and now I'm doing awesome. They measured my belly and I'm right at 27 cm. I still have low blood pressure at 98/60 and the baby's heart is beating at 140, so we are a healthy pair and that makes me happy!
The baby is about 2 1/4 pounds and is about 15 inches long and is about the size of a chinese cabbage. Thus the picture up top. She is kicking like crazy down on my left side by my hip. She seems pretty content to hang out in the same spot all the time!
All is good as we enter the third trimester and that is awesome news in my book!
great news for you and our curly little cabbage headed gal!