To celebrate Mat's birthday, we had a shish kebab barbecue. It was a lot of fun, so much so, that this is the only photo I took. I was too busy enjoying myself! (Look at those fantastic shish kebabs that some friends brought. Note to self: cut veggies and meat larger!) We were lucky and the 60% chance of rain in the forecast didn't present itself.
The next morning, we put together Mat's present from his family and made Maddy test it out.
Maddy looks excited, doesn't she?
We couldn't get her to willing get in, so Mat had to place her in the cart.
Trying to make her feel comfortable...
Maddy really isn't sure what to think.
Mat is doing some convincing that it's going to be fun.
Maddy really doesn't like it when it's rolling. She still doesn't know what to think about this thing we've got her in.
She's getting ready to bail. But we sure enjoyed the entertainment. This cart's real purpose is to move yard debris and dirt to other parts of the yard. Mat and I are pretty excited for it. After moving a truckload of mushroom compost with a bucket, this will be a VERY handy addition to our yard tools!
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