So we spent some time out shovelling manure into the pickup and brought it home to our garden. When we return from the beach, we will till the manure in and then we just have to wait until the last frost date (mid-May) and we can plant up our garden. Yay! (We do have peas, spinach and mesclun mix planted all ready.)
Yesterday, Mat also spent some time chainsawing out a hole in the stump that we have in our yard to turn it into a planter. It was a dead tree we chopped down last year. So I am perusing container gardening materials to determine what will be the best plants to plant in there. We are getting excited for spring to be here fully! The Bradford Pear and Cherry trees are blooming right now and they are beautiful.
This looks like lots of fun!!! I'm excited for you to get your garden started. And way cool idea of using the stump as a pot holder. You guys are ingenious!