Thursday, June 30, 2011
packing fun
Brie was quite helpful. In this picture she looks innocent...she might be helping to close the reality she had been pulling the books out one by one and I have just repacked the box.
Now she wants to be in the box with her toys and doesn't quite know how to get the rest of the way in.
finger foods...
For some reason, I can't upload this video directly from flickr, I have to do it as a link. So you have to click on the above link to watch the short clip of Brie eating a puff.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Brie and naptime
In my post about Brie's naptime, I mentioned that Brie is having a hard time going from standing to sitting and I think that is why she is crying so hard and I have to go in and lay her back down. Well, I was relieved to see this week on my baby center email that it is normal for babies to have the strength to pull themselves up at this age, but then not know what to do. I am getting better at being able to put Brie down for naps/bed time. I feed her and then lay her down in her crib and read her a story and then leave while she's still awake. I still have to go in and lay her down several times and tell her that I love her, but it's nap/bed time. Hopefully soon, she'll stop pulling herself up or she'll learn to lay herself back down!
First International Trip for Brie
On Sunday we went to the Thousand Islands region near us. First we went for a drizzly walk at Wellesley Island State Park. The person working the desk at the visitor center recommended a very lovely hike that started out on an asphalt path. He supposedly had seen Brie, Maddy and I waiting outside the visitor center for Mat, but it quickly became apparent that this was not really a stroller friendly hike, even though our stroller is "the Bob". (The Ergo would have been more suitable.) I would have turned around if I'd been by myself, but Mat took it as a challenge.
Several miles later we were back at the trailhead after Mat showed he was up for the challenge. Brie had a pretty good time too.
Then we hopped in the car and drove over the Thousand Islands Bridge into Canada and drove along the Thousands Islands Parkway to Kingston, Ontario where we wandered around enjoying the scene and finding a place for Mat to eat french fries and gravy. I guess that's a Canadian thing, but all my time growing up and going to Medicine Hat to our cousins I do not recall once have french fries and gravy. Kingston was a really nice town, much bigger and hipper than we expected. Although it is where the radio stations come from that we listen to there so we should have expected it to be pretty big. It was a REALLY well-kept town, no litter and very nice.
Then we caught a ferry to Wolfe Island to catch another ferry that took us back to the States and the smallest border crossing we've ever done!
We loved seeing the wind farms up close. We even stopped our car to see how noisy they were. And we found out these ones weren't terrible loud. There was a definite soft mechanical whir, but was it. No loud clanking or whirring, just very soft.
Anyway, we drove across Wolfe Island to catch the ferry across to the States and just made it on to a very tiny ferry. Once we were on the traffic director asked for $15. We knew there was a fee, but we thought we were going to be able to pay with our debit card! We were able to come up with $12 and the man told us we could go to the atm and bring the money back once we got off the ferry. Awkward and embarrassing. Lesson for us: carry cash. It's funny, but since debit cards have come into existence I really don't use cash, I find that it is much easier to just pull out the debit card. But no more. On trips I will now carry around some cash.
As the ferry was pulling up to dock, the traffic director came over and told us not to worry about the $15, a man in a white Yukon paid for us. We looked around and asked if he wanted our $12 and/or we'd go get the cash and he said, "No, don't worry about it. Pay it forward." Super nice of him, really embarrassing for us. I'm not so great at accepting charity. Wish I could say that we came across someone to help on our way home, but we didn't, so we still owe the universe.
At this small border crossing, we handed over our passports and Brie's birth certificate and Maddy's rabies certificate. The border patrol looked at our passports and then Brie's birth certificate and asked if it was for the dog. I really don't think they even saw that we had a baby in the car. They suggested that Mat might want to sign his passport before he travels over the border again. (He just got a new passport.)
All in all, a relaxing first international trip for Brie (and for Maddy)!
Several miles later we were back at the trailhead after Mat showed he was up for the challenge. Brie had a pretty good time too.
Then we hopped in the car and drove over the Thousand Islands Bridge into Canada and drove along the Thousands Islands Parkway to Kingston, Ontario where we wandered around enjoying the scene and finding a place for Mat to eat french fries and gravy. I guess that's a Canadian thing, but all my time growing up and going to Medicine Hat to our cousins I do not recall once have french fries and gravy. Kingston was a really nice town, much bigger and hipper than we expected. Although it is where the radio stations come from that we listen to there so we should have expected it to be pretty big. It was a REALLY well-kept town, no litter and very nice.
Then we caught a ferry to Wolfe Island to catch another ferry that took us back to the States and the smallest border crossing we've ever done!
We loved seeing the wind farms up close. We even stopped our car to see how noisy they were. And we found out these ones weren't terrible loud. There was a definite soft mechanical whir, but was it. No loud clanking or whirring, just very soft.
Anyway, we drove across Wolfe Island to catch the ferry across to the States and just made it on to a very tiny ferry. Once we were on the traffic director asked for $15. We knew there was a fee, but we thought we were going to be able to pay with our debit card! We were able to come up with $12 and the man told us we could go to the atm and bring the money back once we got off the ferry. Awkward and embarrassing. Lesson for us: carry cash. It's funny, but since debit cards have come into existence I really don't use cash, I find that it is much easier to just pull out the debit card. But no more. On trips I will now carry around some cash.
As the ferry was pulling up to dock, the traffic director came over and told us not to worry about the $15, a man in a white Yukon paid for us. We looked around and asked if he wanted our $12 and/or we'd go get the cash and he said, "No, don't worry about it. Pay it forward." Super nice of him, really embarrassing for us. I'm not so great at accepting charity. Wish I could say that we came across someone to help on our way home, but we didn't, so we still owe the universe.
At this small border crossing, we handed over our passports and Brie's birth certificate and Maddy's rabies certificate. The border patrol looked at our passports and then Brie's birth certificate and asked if it was for the dog. I really don't think they even saw that we had a baby in the car. They suggested that Mat might want to sign his passport before he travels over the border again. (He just got a new passport.)
All in all, a relaxing first international trip for Brie (and for Maddy)!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
It is starting to appear that maybe Brie will have some of Mat's curls. At least she does when she's hot. We'll see if her hair continues to curl as it grows out.
Brie can do the real deal crawl now. She will actually crawl for longer than 2 steps and it's not the commando style crawl she's been doing for the past while. Brie really is getting to a mobile little girl!
Friday, June 24, 2011
A glimpse into some of what Mat does now
If you click this link or the one below, it will take you to some photos talking about one of the projects that Mat is working on for The Nature Conservancy here in upstate NY. The photographer did a great job describing each photo.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Not surprisingly, I think Brie must be going through a growth spurt or teething or something - I'll probably think that until she's a teenager - any fussiness, sleeplessness, clingy-ness, anything weird, that's my reasoning.
Luckily, she does have lots lovely, precious moments. Brie has beautiful blue eyes, thanks to Mat's genes. She's is also learning so much right now. She is a climber and climbs up on pants legs until she's standing, she also pulls herself up to standing using the couch and is continuing to try to climb the rest of the way up to the sitting cushions. If she climbs up your pant leg or up the couch and you are sitting there, she is looking at us the whole time and once she gets to the standing position she breaks out into a big smile looking like she's proud of what she accomplished.
It seems like she is thinking "Did you see that? I just pulled myself up by sheer determination and strength!" Often she will do a power yell or grunt just before she pulls herself up. Now we are trying to teach her to sit back down after standing.
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Do you see my two teeth? Look close. :-) |
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Twirling |
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I love it when my dad carries me! |
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On a rock |
These pics are from after we took Maddy to the vet yesterday, we stopped at the Derby Hill Bird Observatory and enjoyed the view from there and took some photos of Brie. Didn't see any birds though.
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Healthy Maddy |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
New blogging venue for Life of the Levines
I'm now going to be blogging/journaling at instead of at
So if you have me set up on google reader, you'll have to update the info in order for new posts to show up. I've loved the other site, but change is always good, right? This is definitely the year of change at least for me and my family and friends!
So if you have me set up on google reader, you'll have to update the info in order for new posts to show up. I've loved the other site, but change is always good, right? This is definitely the year of change at least for me and my family and friends!
figuring out blogger...
Contemplating using google blogger as a free blogging venue. My brother has been beyond generous and has been paying for us to use a website so most of us can all blog together under but we are contemplating going for a free source. Does anyone have any feedback on using blogger? So far it seems relatively easy to use. Anyone know how to download all past blogs on the other website so I don't lose them?? Since I mostly use this as a way to remember what we've been up to, I'd hate to lose all the information. Any thoughts?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Brie's nap time
We've been struggling with nap time, and bed time for that matter, since she has learned to pull herself up on things. She'll be tired as can be and settled then as soon as she is placed in the crib and we leave the room she screams. She's begun to pull herself up and then can't get herself back down so when I come back in the room to check on her, she's hysterical. Not the funny, I want to laugh, but the sad I can't believe I let my baby cry for 5-10 minutes because I thought she was going to settle down and fall asleep like she has in the past. She'll be standing in her crib screaming hysterically with her nose running and her face completely red.
Anyone have suggestions on how to keep her from pulling herself to standing position in the crib?
The following pictures are from Brie's nap while at a friends house. We were amazed at how quickly she seemed to fall asleep and figured she must have been extremely tired from all of the attention she had gotten.
Anyone have suggestions on how to keep her from pulling herself to standing position in the crib?
The following pictures are from Brie's nap while at a friends house. We were amazed at how quickly she seemed to fall asleep and figured she must have been extremely tired from all of the attention she had gotten.
The above is what Mat found when he went to check on her! She's having a blast playing the piano!
Quick jaunt to the Finger Lakes region
We went visiting a co-worker of Mat's this past weekend. It was wonderful to go see another area of upstate NY and we really enjoyed their hospitality! Their daughter had prepared the room for Brie with some of her toys and made a "sleep" area and "play" area for Brie.
They took us on a lovely walk to a couple of waterfalls, which Brie, Ruby and Maddy (the dog) loved playing in. Afterwards, we were taken to an overlook to see Canandaigua Lake which was close by. Then we had a lovely late lunch and got back on the road home. It was nice to go visiting.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Garden 2011
I wasn't going to have a garden this year.
I just decided since we moved up here late and we weren't going to stay in this 1/2 a house we moved into long term that we wouldn't have one. But once it started feeling more like spring/summer and I was seeing everyone start to plow their garden space and begin planting I began missing it. So, I decided to try something new - a vegetable garden in containers. We'll see how it goes. I need to get a trellis or cage for the cucumber and zuchini plants to grow up. They are growing so quickly. The two tomato plants are happy as can be. It's a small garden, but better than not having anything. Maybe next year we'll go bigger.
Good thing we are moving to our new rental in a couple of weeks, because soon these plants are going to be too big to move!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Family Visit
Mat's family took a road trip and came to visit us for a long weekend. We enjoyed having them around and showing them where we live. They were lucky enough to be in town the one weekend they had a parade right in front of our house - Brie's first parade ever. We went out to Black Pond, took a walk near Sandy Creek, saw Oswego (to see the neighborhood we are moving to), the Derby Hill Bird Observatory, Sacket's Harbor Battlefield and Sacket's Harbor downtown area. On Sunday, Mat and his dad canoed up Sandy Creek to Lake Ontario while the girls walked the 3 mile loop. It was a little windy and chilly so we didn't get in the water. It was a fun time and we hated to see it end, but they for some reason, had to go back to their real world and work lives. :-) Here's some pictures from the weekend (I didn't take very many, as there seemed to be plenty of pictures being taken by others. So some are from Sara and when Naomi's are up on flickr, I'll add a link. Here's the link to the slideshow.)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Cooling off in the creek
I don't know why I decided to bake last week on one of the hottest days yet. But I did. So our house was quite warm and I decided to cool us all off we'd go sit in the creek. It was really quite lovely and cooled us right down.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The beach...
It wasn't the warmest day of the year, but warm enough for Brie to stick her feet in the water. She loved it. She also loved sitting in the sand and running her fingers through the sand. Then putting the sandy hand in her mouth!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Memorial Day Walk
We enjoyed a lovely walk on Memorial day. On one of our walks, someone mentioned that there is a 3-mile loop that you can do which takes you over a restored bridge. We love it because it also has a little path that you can access Sandy Creek which runs through town. (I don't know why, but 3 to 3 1/2 miles, is the perfect walk mileage for me.) We cooled our feet off in the creek and we also stopped in at the local ice cream window and enjoyed a root beer float. Then we went home and grilled portobello mushrooms to have with pesto pasta. A very lovely day indeed.
Second Tooth
Brie cut her second tooth yesterday. It wasn't as bad as her first tooth. I don't know if it is the baltic amber teething necklace or that I was more aware of the symptoms. It is rewarding to see the top of her tooth coming through the gum and to feel it's sharp edge with my finger. I like knowing there is a reason behind all of her fussiness, her elevated temperatures and her lack of sleep which means I'm not getting much sleep.
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