This weekend we checked out a new-ish State Park in our area. A lot of it was closed, but luckily the trail we wanted to go on happened to be the one open! Yay! We'll have to go back to check out the rest of the park, but we had a lovely hike out to Rainbow Falls and Turtleback Falls. It was a really bright day, so the picture of Rainbow Falls doesn't really do it justice.
We hung out for a bit and had our snack at the top of Rainbow Falls and messed around for a bit.
This is Mat's fave picture up above the falls looking down the river.
This is my favorite one, because Mat looks like he's actually jumping into the waterfall. After hanging out for a bit, we then hiked on up to Turtleback Falls. For a weekend hike, we hardly saw anyone on the trail. It was pretty awesome.