Our garden is loving all the rain it has been getting this year! We've been enjoying peas, broccoli, squash and cucumbers from it all ready. Luckily, we started the zuchini a few weeks after the yellow squash...we are all ready having to give away about 3-4 squash a day and if we had zuchini on top of that people might not really appreciate it!
Yesterday afternoon, it downpoured rain for about 15-20 minutes and there were gusts of wind that were so strong I was kind of worried some of the trees were gonna blow down! When I wandered around to tell people about my campfire program, I was only able to find about 8 people at their campsites so I was afraid that there wouldn't be anyone at the program. But luckily, I had a good crowd show up who was really fun.
There was one person there with a large camera who kept standing up and taking photos from different angles, too bad he didn't come talk to me afterwards and I could have asked him to email me some pics of myself and I would have been able to post them!!