So, I finished up my last day of work at my job and I'm going to enjoy a few days off and head home to Delta to visit my mom. I'm hoping to see some of my siblings families as well while there. And I get to meet Rachel's beau. Then on Monday, I start up my new job along the parkway. I am looking forward to working in this park and meeting a whole new crew of people and interacting with all the visitors who come through the parkway. Yay!
Some friends are in town visiting, so we've been out enjoying the spring rain by mountain biking. I've come to the conclusion that while I might like to mountain bike, I don't really have the finesse that some have. On one ride, I clipped my handlebar on a rhododendron branch and I had to bail off the bike into a patch of green briar to avoid hitting a tree. I had to lay there for a moment to figure out how to untangle myself from the briar. It was sweet! Then later on in the ride, I slid out on a rain slick rock. I guess by riding in the rainy season, I'm honing my skills for dry weather...maybe.