This picture is of Maddy and I at the top of our climb, now we just have downhill to go. Yay! We couldn't stay inside even though the house needs to be cleaned and papers need to be organized, it was just too beautiful outside. So we went for a ride out at Bent Creek and joined many others in the fabulous weather. (note: all our leaves have dropped, so we are entering stick season, not the most attractive way to see the trees, but it allows for awesome long distance views that you only see in the winter around here!)
It was a quick, fun ride back down to the trailhead. Since I was riding by myself, I decided not to go on this one trail with a lot of whoop-de-doos just cuz' I've gotten too much air before and messed up on the landing, so I didn't want to chance. I did come across a log that I'd been eyeing for a while. Usually it is kind of wet and slippery looking, but yesterday, it was dry and looked like I could attempt.
So I tried, and got up on it, surprised myself, so I hopped off. It didn't seem too bad, so I tried it again and rode it. Yay for my balance, then at the end there was a rock placed to help with the dismount, but I didn't realize it was there, so I wasn't lined up correctly for it and I went off the side and must have turned my handlebars. Because next thing I know, I am kneeling on the ground with the handlebar wrapped around my knee. All I could think was, "oh no, I sure hope I didn't do anything serious, cuz it will take at least 6 weeks to heal and Mat and I are going on a road trip in 2 weeks in search of mountain bike trails!!!" But I was able to get up and ride my bike out. So nothing was broken, I just have some attractive bruising and swelling.

I don't know if you can see or not, but on the right side there is some swelling and then on the inside of my leg is an attractive bruise where it was jammed against the top bar. But, hopefully, no long lasting issues. I still have a slight limp, but I think it just has to do with the internal bruising, thankfully!