On Friday we found out that Barack Obama would actually be holding a rally in Asheville, NC just a few miles from our house. This morning, we woke up and went down at 8 a.m. in the morning to stand in line. We thought we would be one of a few there that early as they had been recommending people arrive at 10 a.m. We are so glad we got there when we did.

It paid off. Look how close we are to see him speak. He talked a lot about the health care system and what he plans for the future. He wants people to be able to continue on their current plans and give them lower premiums. And for those like us that do not have insurance to give us affordable options. Yay! And yes, he will have to pay for it somehow. He's going to do this by taxing those who make over $250,000 and bringing the taxation back to what Bill Clinton had (and not even as much as the Reagan era). For the rest of us making less than $250,000 our taxes will not go up.
Honestly, for me, I don't mind paying taxes if it goes to help those less fortunate than I to be able to be on the Medicaid/Medicare/WIC program so that they can be healthy and their children can be healthy. I don't mind paying taxes to pay for infrastructure and for schools, police, firemen and libraries, etc.

It was exciting to be with the over 28,000 people who were from all walks of life. We were impressed at how everybody we talked to and heard in the crowd were supporting Barack Obama for his stance on issues that were important to them.

I was a little disappointed in Thursday's debate to find that the Obama/Biden ticket is supporting just separate but equal rights for same sex couples. Why not give them equal rights?
My largest concern this election year, is that McCain has picked Palin who is willing and eager (i.e. drill, baby, drill) to give up the beauty of Alaska just for oil. Oil that won't be available to us for 10 years and that it would last at the most 30 years, many think less. Why can't we spend all that money that we would be spending on the extraction of oil (that is non-renewable) on renewable energy sources that would last indefinitely? And would also bring about jobs. Of course, I'm biased. I worked in a very beautiful national park that wouldn't have been there if there hadn't been someone who had the forethought to preserve and protect the area.
It was phenomenal to be within 30 feet of a man who is well-spoken and intelligent and listens to the people. We are excited for this election year and the opportunity for people to choose someone who is willing to use diplomacy first instead of just going to war.